We believe every student has the right to affordable textbooks, and the Marketplace helps you find your course materials at a significant savings. The TextbookX Marketplace is a network of trusted, third-party sellers nationwide. The Marketplace offers you access to a broad inventory of high-quality, low-cost books. Not only can you purchase books at a lower cost, you can also sell your book back at any time through the Marketplace, decreasing the overall cost of ownership even further. Best of all, you can use your financial aid to purchase low cost books through the TextbookX Marketplace.

The TextbookX Marketplace allows you to:

  • Shop for hundreds of thousands of new and used books!
  • Save up to 95% off list price!
  • Sell your books back at any time of year – you name the price!
  • Apply financial aid book vouchers (when applicable) to all purchases, including books from the Marketplace!
Please note that when you order a book from the Marketplace, it comes directly from the third-party seller; books do NOT come from a TextbookX warehouse and therefore do not qualify for most free-shipping offers.

Marketplace Seller Star Ratings:

Marketplace sellers can range from volume sellers to students just like you. Each seller has a star-rating, which is awarded based on a number of things, including buyer feedback. All of our sellers are trusted third-parties. With that said, we do recommend that you pay attention to seller rating and book condition when shopping for your books (the more stars the better!).
Also be on the lookout for our marketplace priority shipper stamp which signifies that the seller will include tracking information for your package when Standard Shipping is selected.
Questions about a marketplace order you’ve placed?
Click here to email your seller directly for the fastest response. Or, contact the TextbookX Customer Service team here.